Volume 18,Issue 1,2001 Table of Contents

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  《计算力学学报》是经国家科委批准、国家教委主管、由中国力学学会和大连理工大学联合  主办的学术刊物,国内外公开发行。作为我国计算力学领域的代表性刊物,它以推动计算力学的发展,促进这门学科与工程实践相结合和国内外学术交流为办刊宗旨。既着重于“计算”,又着重于计算力学的理论研究,还强调工程应用,竭诚为社会服务。读者对象主要为本领域的研究人员、工程技术人员、高等院校师生和科研工作者。主要刊登计算力学的研究成果和实践经验,包括各种类型的数值分析、优化设计、有限元方法、计算机辅助设计技术和相应的软件开发
  2001,18(1) [Abstract(1376)]  [View PDF]
A series solution for nonlinear dynamics equations
  QIU Chun\|hang,\ \ LU He\|xiang
  2001,18(1):1-7 [Abstract(1714)]  [View PDF]
Object design of the numerical manifold method
  ZHANG Xiang\|wei 1,CAI Yong\|chang 2,LUO Shao\|ming 1
  2001,18(1):8-14 [Abstract(1585)]  [View PDF]
Application of all\|speed algorithm in turbulent transonic flows calculations
  GUO Yang,\ \ FU Song,\ \ ZHANG Jing\|ming
  2001,18(1):15-20 [Abstract(1696)]  [View PDF]
Study on meshless method based on manifold cover ideas
  LIU Xin 1,\ ZHU De\|mao 2,\ LU Ming\|Wan 1,\ ZHANG Xiong 1
  2001,18(1):21-27 [Abstract(3822)]  [View PDF]
A substructure technique for the contact\|impact of a flexible body with a rigid ball
  LIU Jin\|yang
  2001,18(1):28-32 [Abstract(1232)]  [View PDF]
Fracture behavior for crack vertical to the interface of bimaterial
  WANG Li\|min 1,CHEN Hao\|ran 1,SU Shi\|lang 1,ZHAO Guang\|yuan 2,PU Qi 2
  2001,18(1):33-36 [Abstract(1740)]  [View PDF]
Force analysis of single\|layer hyperbolic paraboloid composite latticed shell
  ZENG Yin\|zhi 1,LI Hai\|wang\+2,\ \ QIN Dong\|qi\+2,Qian Ruojun 1
  2001,18(1):37-41 [Abstract(1429)]  [View PDF]
A flexibility matrix method for damage identification of truss structure
  QI Bao\|hui,WU Rui\|feng,CAI Xian\|hui,LI Gui\|hua
  2001,18(1):42-47 [Abstract(3958)]  [View PDF]
An inverse perturbation solution method based on the finite element analysis of plane beam element
  MIAO Yu\|bin,TENG Hong\|fei,DING Jin\|hua,QU Fu\|zheng
  2001,18(1):48-55 [Abstract(1856)]  [View PDF]
A non-probabilistic model of structural reliability based on interval analysis
  GUO Shu xiang 1,LU Zhen zhou 2,FENG Yuan \|sheng 2
  2001,18(1):56-60 [Abstract(8202)]  [View PDF]
A simple algorithm used to judge the 2\|D finite element mesh drawing
  XU Si\|hao,\ \ YANG Jian\|xin
  2001,18(1):61-63 [Abstract(1487)]  [View PDF]
Minimum cost design of casing structures of oil wells
  WANG Yue\|fang [1],TANG Huai\|long [1],YU Lei [2],XU Chuang [1]
  2001,18(1):64-68 [Abstract(1739)]  [View PDF]
Optimum design of TMD for suppressing vibration of tall buildings subjected to wind
  LI Chun\|xiang 1,LIU Yan\|xia 2
  2001,18(1):69-73 [Abstract(1752)]  [View PDF]
Structural dynamic optimization with probability constraints of frequency and mode
  CHEN Jian\|jun,CHE Jian\|wen,CHEN Yong
  2001,18(1):74-80 [Abstract(2232)]  [View PDF]
Finite element method for slope stability analysis with its applications
  SHAO Long tan,\ TANG Hong xiang,\ HAN Guo cheng
  2001,18(1):81-87 [Abstract(5720)]  [View PDF]
Reseach of torque and direction of bit inhorizontal well by method of nonlinear limited element
  Guo Yong\|feng,JIN Xiao\|jian,TAN Shu\|ren
  2001,18(1):88-93 [Abstract(4022)]  [View PDF]
Study on the dynamic simulation of the large linear vibration mesh
  WANG Yong\|yan,\ \ TAI Ying\|lou,\ \ SUN Qi\|han
  2001,18(1):94-98 [Abstract(2501)]  [View PDF]
Application of virtual laminated element in the shape optimization of beam and arch
  LI Fang 1,LING Dao sheng,XU Xing
  2001,18(1):99-102 [Abstract(1743)]  [View PDF]
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of mixed frame structures with rigid and pinned joints
  XIA Kai quan 1,DONG Shi lin 2
  2001,18(1):103-107 [Abstract(2785)]  [View PDF]
Neural algorithm of construction mechanics
  ZHAO Qi lin,ZHUO Jia shou
  2001,18(1):108-110 [Abstract(1413)]  [View PDF]
Determination of the shape of plastic zone near crack tip by adaptive FEA
  WANG Jian\|hua,\ YANG Lei,\ SHEN Wei\|ping
  2001,18(1):111-117 [Abstract(1680)]  [View PDF]
Thermal weight function method for calculating transient SIFs in axisymmetric thermal shock problems
  LU Yan Lin,ZHANG Shu Jia,JIA Hong,YU Zhi Qing
  2001,18(1):118-123 [Abstract(1685)]  [View PDF]
A general simplied analysis method of structure due to the removal of members
  YU Yun\|yan,\ LI Cong\|lin,\ LIU Zhen\|kui
  2001,18(1):124-126 [Abstract(1699)]  [View PDF]