Fracture behavior for crack vertical to the interface of bimaterial
  Revised:April 19, 1999
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KeyWord:two media,crack,interface,J\|integral,stress intensity factor
WANG Li\|min 1  CHEN Hao\|ran 1  SU Shi\|lang 1  ZHAO Guang\|yuan 2  PU Qi 2
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      For a crack being in linear elastic medium, the Strain Energy Release Rate (SERR) of cracktip is equal to the value of J\|integral along path closing the crack\|tip. The Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) is another character in fracture mechanics. The applicable scope of J\|integral for bimaterials is firstly investigated in this paper. When a crack is in one medium of two bonded media and vertical to the interface, the variations of the values of SIF with the bimaterial parameter and the distance between crack and interface are studied by using of Finite Element Method developed by authors. If a crack on the side of one medium in bimaterials is vertical to the interface, the variation of the values of SIF with the expanding crack are also discussed in the paper.