Reseach of torque and direction of bit inhorizontal well by method of nonlinear limited element
  Revised:January 04, 1998
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KeyWord:horizontal well,drilling flat in sea,mechanics of string fricition force of drilling,prediction,limited unit nonlinear,
Guo Yong\|feng  JIN Xiao\|jian  TAN Shu\|ren
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      This paper discusses the apply in the drilling engineering by the method of nonlinear limited element, which is about the torque of string and direction of bit and while drilling. A key to successfully drill a horizontal well is to forecast the direction of bit and the torque of drillingrod. The theme analyses two questions of nonlinear mechanics while procedure of drilling horizontal well actually, that one is nonlinear in the case of the large deformation of rod and another is nonlinear in the case of the connect between rod and wall of well. The paper derived a serial of formulates independently about drilling mechanics of the nonlinear limited element. It was made that computer program of mechanics of drilling string by the nonlinear limited element and had been operated in 5 wells where is weizhou of China, which is belong to a flat in WEST COMPANY CHINA NATIONAL OFFSHORE OIL CORPORATION. It showed some conclusion for the procedure of drilling