A flexibility matrix method for damage identification of truss structure
  Revised:May 12, 1999
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KeyWord:flexibility matrix,truss structure,modal parameter,damage identification
QI Bao\|hui  WU Rui\|feng  CAI Xian\|hui  LI Gui\|hua
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      The flexibility matrix method for damage identification of truss structure is suggested in this paper. The first modal parameters obtained by dynamic measuring are needed only in this method. The finite\|element method is used to formulate the eigen\|equation of truss in flexibility matrix form. The flexibility of truss bars would be changed if the damage is occurred in any of these bars, then the physical parameters of the truss can be derived by expressing the changes of flexibility as the first\|order term in the Taylor series expansion of flexibility. Thus, the damaged rods of the truss and degree of the damage can be identified. The effectiveness of this approach is verified by a numerical example.