A general simplied analysis method of structure due to the removal of members
  Revised:April 20, 1999
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KeyWord:member,grid structure,frame structure
YU Yun\|yan  \ LI Cong\|lin  \ LIU Zhen\|kui
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      A general method of simplied analysis is presented in this paper after the members of structure have been removed. Adding the solution of initial structure to the solution of relative load which acts on initial structure get the solution of new structure. Using the solution of old structure and inverse matrix of initial structure global stiffness matrix to solve new structure, which makes the volume of calculation decreased. The general calculating formula to solve relative load is given based on the finite element method. The method is used to reanalyze internal force and displacement of new structure after a member of grid structure or frame structure has been removed, which is also used to solve the question of more members removed at the same time.