Volume 23,Issue 3,2006 Table of Contents

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Basic theory and algorithm for Inter-Belt analysis
  ZHANG Hong-wu,YAO Zheng,ZHONG Wan-xie
  2006,23(3):257-263 [Abstract(1532)]  [View PDF]
The wavelet multi-scale simulation of P-wave wave equation in the two-phase media
  LIU Ke-an,ZHANG Xin-ming,LIU Jia-qi
  2006,23(3):264-269 [Abstract(1338)]  [View PDF]
Parametrical variational principle and its application to a class of ferro-electric models
  HUANG Ruo-yu,WU Chang-chun
  2006,23(3):270-275 [Abstract(1565)]  [View PDF]
Numerical simulation of separated flows over slender body at high-angle-of-attack with k-ε model comforming realizability
  LIU Xian-ming,FU Song
  2006,23(3):275-279 [Abstract(1618)]  [View PDF]
Three-dimensional elastic stress fields near crack front at V-notches
  MENG Bo,GUO Wan-lin
  2006,23(3):280-285 [Abstract(1240)]  [View PDF]
Response analysis on linear imbalanced rotor-bearing system under nonstationary random seismic excitation
  ZHU Chang-sheng,CHEN Yong-jun,ZHU Wei-qiu
  2006,23(3):285-289 [Abstract(1606)]  [View PDF]
A precise integration method for bridges subjected to moving loads
  ZHANG Ya-hui,ZHANG Shou-yun,ZHAO Yan,SONG Gang,LIN Jia-hao
  2006,23(3):290-294 [Abstract(1566)]  [View PDF]
Hydrothermal wave in shallow annular silicon melt pool
  PENG Lan,LI You-rong,WU Shuang-ying,LI Ming-wei,ZENG Dan-ling
  2006,23(3):295-300 [Abstract(1535)]  [View PDF]
Computation of potential flow around three-dimensional obstacles by a scaled boundary finite-element method
  TENG Bin,ZHAO Ming,HE Guang-hua
  2006,23(3):301-306 [Abstract(1671)]  [View PDF]
Investigation on crack identification in the beam-type structures
  WANG Zhi-hua,ZHAO Yong-gang,MA Hong-wei
  2006,23(3):307-312 [Abstract(1080)]  [View PDF]
The study of grid formation on complex terrain
  CHENG Xue-ling,HU Fei
  2006,23(3):313-316 [Abstract(1916)]  [View PDF]
Extended finite element method for modeling cracks without remeshing ( 2: numerical implementation)
  LI Jian-bo,CHEN Jian-yun,LIN Gao
  2006,23(3):317-323 [Abstract(1427)]  [View PDF]
Symplectic finite element formulation for three-dimensional electromagnetic field and computation of cavity resonances
  ZHENG Chang-liang,CHEN Jie-fu
  2006,23(3):324-327 [Abstract(1546)]  [View PDF]
Numerical investigations on external flowfield in explosion venting
  JIANG Xiao-hai,FAN Bao-chun
  2006,23(3):328-332 [Abstract(1627)]  [View PDF]
Building PC cluster for parallel FE analysis by object oriented method
  LI Hai-jiang,CHENG Geng-dong
  2006,23(3):333-337 [Abstract(1490)]  [View PDF]
Adaptive method to transform finite element mesh on die surface of automobile covering parts
  GONG Ke-jia,YANG Guang,HU Ping
  2006,23(3):338-343 [Abstract(1555)]  [View PDF]
A method of structural shape optimization based on Kriging model
  LIU Ke-long,YAO Wei-xing,MU Xue-feng
  2006,23(3):344-348 [Abstract(2912)]  [View PDF]
Cable-saddle element in finite element analysis of suspension bridge
  WEI Jian-dong
  2006,23(3):348-352 [Abstract(1577)]  [View PDF]
Neural network modeling of bearing capacity of axially loaded concrete-filled square steel tubular short columns
  ZHU Mei-chun,WANG Qing-xiang,FENG Xiu-feng
  2006,23(3):353-356 [Abstract(1701)]  [View PDF]
Effect of strain softening on delamination tip-field in composite laminate
  LIU Jun,LI Ying-mei,ZHANG Feng-peng,HUANG Bao-zon
  2006,23(3):357-362 [Abstract(1215)]  [View PDF]
Complex method based on the maintenance of the diversity of the apex and its application to the slope stability analysis
  LI Liang,CHI Shi-chun,LIN Gao
  2006,23(3):363-368 [Abstract(1115)]  [View PDF]
Analytical solution for rectangular thin cantilever plate
  ZHONG Yang,CHEN Jing-yun,WANG Su-yan
  2006,23(3):368-372 [Abstract(1726)]  [View PDF]
Single-point subdomain precise integration and multi-point subdomain precise integration
  LAI Yong-xing,LIU Min-shan,DONG Qi-wu
  2006,23(3):373-376 [Abstract(1533)]  [View PDF]
Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures with three-dimension finite elements
  FANG Zi-hu,SUN Can
  2006,23(3):377-380 [Abstract(1609)]  [View PDF]
  2006,23(3):380 [Abstract(1033)]  [View PDF]
Analytical solution for the load-displacement relationship of pullout DX pile based on elastic theory
  CHEN Lun,JIANG Li,WANG Hai-yan
  2006,23(3):381-384 [Abstract(1511)]  [View PDF]