A method of structural shape optimization based on Kriging model
  Revised:May 08, 2004
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KeyWord:shape optimization,experimental design methods,Kriging model,genetic algorithms
LIU Ke-long  YAO Wei-xing  MU Xue-feng
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      A structural optimization method for shape and size is built in this paper.In this method the samples of shape variables are created by experimental design methods,the responses of the structure corresponding to these samples are analyzed by FEM with size optimization method,the approximation model of Kriging which can be used to determine the responses of the structure is derived through the responses analyzed,the optimal locations of structural elements are found with genetic algorithms(GA) based on the approximation model,and,finally, the optimal sizes of structural elements corresponding to the optimal locations are found with FEM.A planar truss,a cantilever and a spatial truss are analyzed and optimized.The results of the three examples show that this method has good adaptation and the ability to find out approximate global optimal solutions,and it can be used in shape optimization of complicated structures conveniently.