Volume 13,Issue 3,1996 Table of Contents

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Dynamic explicit finite element analysis for 3D sheet forming processes
  Li Guangyao
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1528)]  [View PDF]
The design of the classes of object oriented finite element program
  Zhou Benkuan,Cao Zhongqing,Chen Dapeng
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1527)]  [View PDF]
Finite element analysis of strain softening response for damaged materials
  Li Zhaoxia,Xiao Liguang,She Yinghe
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1674)]  [View PDF]
Incompatible plane finite dynamic element
  He Guojing Chen Dapeng
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1288)]  [View PDF]
An exact method for structural static reanalysis
  Huang Chuanqi
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1575)]  [View PDF]
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1967)]  [View PDF]
Investigation of mode localization of twin control surfaces
  Yang Yiren
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1389)]  [View PDF]
Modal truncation and the response sensitivity to harmonic excitation
  Zhao Youqun,Liu Zhongsheng,Chen Suhuan
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1455)]  [View PDF]
  Guo Ruiping,Li Guangxin,Chen Lun
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1195)]  [View PDF]
Application of finite volume method in 2 dimensional problems of solid mechanics
  Yang Haitian
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1621)]  [View PDF]
The Lanczos method in the calculation of eigenvectors derivatives
  Yuan Xiangrong,Chen Enli
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1695)]  [View PDF]
Stress intensity factor computation of three dimensional
  Lin Yun,He Wenjun,Ding Haojiang
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1581)]  [View PDF]
A statistical study on the performance of the relative difference quotient algorithm
  Chai Shan,Sun Huanchun,Chen Guoqing
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1474)]  [View PDF]
The method of transfer matrix of calculation on stability of compressed bar with variable section
  Liu Qingtan
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1218)]  [View PDF]
Comparative study of the one point high precise integration method and the finite difference methods for diffusion equations
  Shen Weiping
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1189)]  [View PDF]
Numerical quadrature for dynamic stress intensity factor of thick walled cylinder
  Yang Hongwei
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1526)]  [View PDF]
Finite element modeling program GEFEM based on MS Windows
  Guan Zhenqun,Cu Yuanxian,Li Changyu
  1996,13(3) [Abstract(1319)]  [View PDF]