Reliability topology optimization of continuum structure based on reliability index method
Received:September 04, 2023  Revised:October 13, 2023
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KeyWord:reliability index method  method of moving progressive  variable density method  reliability based topology optimization
王林军 三峡大学 机械与动力学院, 宜昌
李家豪 三峡大学 机械与动力学院, 宜昌
张正伟 中国船舶科学研究中心, 无锡
吴振雨 三峡大学 机械与动力学院, 宜昌
魏悠贵 西安工业大学 机电工程学院, 西安
刘辉 武汉大学 土木建筑工程学院, 武汉
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      In practical engineering,a structure is faced with the influence of uncertain factors from a variety of complex environments,which leads to the change of structural performance.Traditional topology optimization does not consider the influence of these factors.Therefore,this paper proposes a reliability topology optimization method for continuous structures based on a reliability index method(RIA).The aim is to minimize the volume fraction of the final topological configuration of the structure considering structural reliability.In this paper,the load is considered to be uncertain,and the limit state point is found by the reliability index method.Then,based on the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization(BESO) method,the method of moving asymptotes(MMA) is used to optimize the structural volume as the objective function and the reliability index as the constraint condition.Through the analysis of different numerical cases(such as a simply supported beam,a cantilever beam,an L-shaped beam),the influence of the target reliability and the standard deviation on the structural performance is studied,and the uncertainty of multiple working conditions and load direction is also considered.The results show that the proposed method can efficiently find the limit state points,which is more reliable than the topological configuration obtained by the traditional topology optimization method.