Implementation of sextic Serendipity element Q32
Received:July 05, 2023  Revised:September 24, 2023
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KeyWord:Serendipity element  sextic element Q32  quadrilateral element  high-order element  complete polynomial integration
胡圣荣 华南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 广州
张巍 华南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 广州
许静静 华南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 广州
刘新红 华南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 广州
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      The high-order Serendipity elements have internal nodes,which is not convenient for grid division and practical use.There are few publications discussing their implementation and actual performance.This paper introduces the shape function of the 32-node sextic element Q32,and discusses two integration schemes of element stiffness matrix:Gaussian integration and complete polynomial integration.The latter has fewer integration points than the former.Taking the transverse bending of a cantilever beam as an example,the results show that the integration scheme for Q32 can be 6×6(36-point)Gaussian integration or various 11-order complete polynomial integrations.The 25-point symmetrical integration can be used in practice:its accuracy is comparable to that of 6×6 Gaussian integration,but its calculation workload is about 69% of the latter.Q32 can simulate a cubic displacement field quite accurately even if the mesh is seriously distorted.