Free vibration analysis of laminated beam with WSM
Received:December 28, 2022  Revised:May 16, 2023
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KeyWord:Walsh series Discretization method  free vibration  laminated beam
郭诗白 大连理工大学 力学与航空航天学院, 大连
胡平 大连理工大学 力学与航空航天学院, 大连
黎胜 大连理工大学 力学与航空航天学院, 大连
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      A Walsh series Discretization method-based(WSM) solution approach is presented to conduct free vibration analysis of a composite laminated beam with general boundary conditions in this paper.The first-order shear deformation theory considering the shear effect and rotary inertia is used to establish the theoretical model,and weightings are introduced to obtain general boundary conditions.Walsh series are chosen as the basis functions of the meridional directions of the beam,and the integration constants generated in this process are determined by the boundary conditions.By using the WSM,the complex multivariable coupled equations can be transformed into simple linear algebraic equations of a single variable.On this basis,the frequencies of the composite laminated beam can be easily obtained by solving algebraic equations.Compared with the existing literature,the numerical results show that this method has good convergence and accuracy.