Numerical simulation of CO2-EOR in shale oil reservoirs
Received:January 15, 2023  Revised:April 02, 2023
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KeyWord:shale oil  CO2 injection  multi-scale pore  fracture
张庆福 中国石化胜利油田分公司勘探开发研究院, 东营 ;山东省非常规油气勘探开发重点实验室, 东营
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      The development of shale oil is of great significance to Shengli Oilfield.It is difficult to apply water flooding in shale oil reservoir due to its low injectivity and poor sweep efficiency.Therefore,the decline of formation energy is a common challenge.Carbon dioxide (CO2) injection could be a feasible EOR method to improve the oil recovery and carbon sequestration in tight oil reservoirs.Therefore,it is necessary to study the factors affecting the productivity of shale reservoirs with CO2 injection.However,a shale oil reservoir contains multiple scale structures,such as micro-nano-scale pores,micro-fractures and mega-fractures,and it is a complex flow process of multiple scales,multiple phases and multiple components.In this work,the embedded discrete fracture model is applied to represent the fractures and the component model is used to describe the fluid flow.The influence development factors of shale reservoirs with CO2 injection are studied,which is of great significance for formulating development plans and guiding the efficient development of shale reservoirs.