A DSMC implement method of a hybrid grid of molecular motion and collision
Received:September 27, 2022  Revised:January 03, 2022
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KeyWord:double grid  DSMC  mean collision separation  static technology of subgrids  self-adaptive dynamic technology of subgrids
刘传瑞 南京理工大学 能源与动力工程学院, 南京
王学德 南京理工大学 能源与动力工程学院, 南京
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      Based on the strategy of combining unstructured grid with Cartesian grid,a double grid DSMC method for molecular motion and collision is proposed.Through the position information of molecules,the contact between the moving grid and the collision grid is established,which combines the body-fitting of an unstructured grid and the advantage of being easy to control the number of subgrids of a Cartesian grid.At the same time,a technique of dynamic self-adaptation subgrids based on MCS is proposed and implemented to improve the applicability and computational accuracy of the DSMC method,which effectively limits the mean collision separation of molecules.The effectiveness and high precision of the DSMC method are verified by numerical simulation of the flow around a supersonic cylinder and an expanding pipeline.Numerical results show that the resolution of the flow field around the supersonic cylinder can be enhanced through the DSMC method based on molecular motion and collision double grids,and the mean collision separation through the self-adaptive dynamic subgrids technique can be effectively reduced,the collision quality and the calculation accuracy can be improved.