Study on buckling strength characteristics of the super-span space X-brace structure
Received:November 10, 2023  Revised:November 29, 2023
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KeyWord:out-of-plane support  X-brace structure  stiffness characteristics  length factor  buckling length coefficient
付殿福 中海油研究总院, 北京
陈景杰 大连理工大学 船舶工程学院, 大连
张梦竹 中海油研究总院, 北京
张伟为 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京
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      In order to deeply study the load-bearing mechanism of an X-braced structure and reasonably guide engineering design,based on the existing theoretical models,this paper studies the transformation law of the buckling length coefficient of the X-braced structure with out-of-plane supports under typical load patterns,stiffness characteristics,endpoint constraints,and length factor (intersection position).Applied to an actual deepwater jacket structure,the buckling strength of the super-span space X-braced structure with out-of-plane support is analyzed by using the finite element method,and several conclusions are obtained which would provide effective technical support for engineering design.