Complicated responses of a two-dimensional plate under action of an axial liquid flow with cubic stiffness
Received:October 14, 2022  Revised:December 24, 2022
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KeyWord:two-dimensional plate  doubling-period bifurcations  model order reduction method
董宇 湖南工业大学 土木工程学院, 株洲
郑辉 湖南工业大学 土木工程学院, 株洲
杨翊仁 西南交通大学 力学与工程学院, 成都
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      The complicated responses of a two-dimensional simply supported plate with cubic stiffness in axial liquid flow are studied.The effect of the leading rigid edge and the trailing rigid edge of plate on flow is considered.The finite difference method is used to discretise the governing equation.In order to reduce the computation scale caused by a large number of grids,the main model order reduction method is adopted.The complex responses of system are calculated by the numerical integration method.The calculated results of bifurcation diagrams,phase-plane portraits and Poincaré maps for the plate’s responses confirm definitively the existence of chaos and other complicated responses in terms of fluid velocity and damping coefficient.The chaos appears after period-doubling bifurcations or quasi-periodic motion in terms of fluid velocity.The route from chaos back to periodic motion is through period-doubling bifurcations in terms of damping coefficient.