Research on improved node placement method by bubble simulation
Received:May 23, 2022  Revised:October 11, 2022
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KeyWord:improved bubble placement method  dynamic simulation  mesh generation  seed filling algorithm  node spacing function
张伟伟 西北工业大学 数学与统计学院, 西安
马泽鹏 西北工业大学 数学与统计学院, 西安
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      Bubble placement method can generate high-quality node sets in complex domains,but its computational efficiency still needs to be improved.Thus two techniques are presented in this paper.Firstly,seed filling algorithm is applied to the initial bubble placement for generating a suitable number of node sets.This eliminates the process of node addition and deletion in the original bubble placement method,and effectively reduces the simulation time further.Secondly,the equation of bubble motion is simplified which makes the simulation more simple.Numerical examples show that the mesh quality generated by the improved bubble placement method is higher than 0.94,and the computational efficiency is improved by more than 90%,compared with the original bubble placement method.Therefore,the improved bubble placement method can generate high-quality node sets efficiently and is very suitable for solving large-scale problems.