Distortion effect of concrete composite box girder with steel truss webs
Received:May 08, 2022  Revised:July 12, 2022
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KeyWord:concrete composite box girder with steel truss webs  distortion effect  box girder with trapezoidal cross section  plate element analytic method  distortion analytical solution  distortion double moment
李永鹏 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
丁南宏 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
冀伟 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
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      In order to study the distortion effect of a composite concrete box girder with a steel truss web,on the basis of the thin-walled box girder theory,considering the mechanical properties of the steel truss web,the improved plate element analytic method is used to establish the differential equation for distortion.The distortion analytical solution are given.A solid model through ANSYS to verify the correctness of the derived formula is established.Combined with numerical examples,the distortion stresses of a composite box girder and a traditional concrete box girder with the same cross-sectional parameters under a uniformly distributed distortion load are compared and analyzed.The influence of the beam width and the depression angle of the steel web on the distortion internal force of the composite box girder is analysed.The results show that under the same section parameters,due to the small longitudinal stiffness of the steel truss web member of the composite box girder,of which distortion warping normal stress is 1.71 times of that of the concrete box girder;the beam width has a great influence on the distortion internal force,and when the beam width increases to 4.5 m,the distortion double moment and the distortion moment increase to 3.68 times and 1.36 times respectively,and the distribution trend of the former two peaks in the longitudinal direction is gradually flat;When the depression angle of the steel web increases to 27°,the distortion double moment is reduced by about 14.3%,but it has little effect on the distortion moment.