Electrical conductivity of composites with heterogeneously distributed carbon nanotubes
Received:March 30, 2022  Revised:May 11, 2022
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KeyWord:carbon nanotube  composite  stochastic field  electrical conductivity  finite element
黄正玮 汕头大学 土木与环境工程系, 汕头 ;广东省高校结构与风洞重点实验室, 汕头
宋颖 汕头大学 土木与环境工程系, 汕头 ;广东省高校结构与风洞重点实验室, 汕头
赵晓华 汕头大学 土木与环境工程系, 汕头 ;广东省高校结构与风洞重点实验室, 汕头
侯会明 汕头大学 土木与环境工程系, 汕头 ;广东省高校结构与风洞重点实验室, 汕头
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      Carbon nanotubes have been widely used as conductive phase in smart composites. Unfortunately,a carbon nanotube is a kind of cluster material,and cannot be dispersed uniformly in a matrix.Presently,an analytical approach is proposed to quantitatively predict the electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube composites,considering the non-uniform distribution of carbon nanotubes in a matrix.To do that,the volume fraction of carbon nanotubes is modeled as a three-dimensional stochastic field.Based on the effective medium theory,Mori-Tanaka method and H-S bound theory,a method is developed to calculate the electrical conductivity of composites in micro-volume,incorporating the tunneling effect between carbon nanotubes.A finite element analysis is then introduced to predict the electrical conductivity of composites with heterogeneously distributed carbon nanotubes.Numerical results obtained agree well with experimental data.Furthermore,the effect of heterogeneous distribution of carbon nanotubes on the electrical conductivity of composites is discussed.