Anti-collapse capacity assessment of owl type transmission towers based on global seismic fragility analysis
Received:May 25, 2022  Revised:July 20, 2023
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KeyWord:owl type transmission tower structure  collapse limit state  potential failure of bars  anti-collapse capacity  collapse fragility
宋鹏彦 河北大学 建筑工程学院, 保定 ;河北省土木工程监测与评估技术创新中心, 保定
赵仰康 河北大学 建筑工程学院, 保定 ;河北省土木工程监测与评估技术创新中心, 保定
杨保卫 河北大学 建筑工程学院, 保定 ;河北省土木工程监测与评估技术创新中心, 保定
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      As a main component of transmission lines,the transmission tower structure is sensitive to seismic excitations.This study examines the seismic collapse resistance for owl-type transmission tower structures that were commonly used for China’ s transmission lines.To do this,three line-type towers with different heights that were included in a specific actual single circuit were used as study cases.Based on OpenSees platform,a three-dimensional finite element model of the transmission tower structure was established.Four collapse limit states were determined according to different criteria.Twenty far-field ground motion records were selected as earthquake inputs.The incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method was used to obtain the collapse points of the transmission tower structure using the considered four limit states,and the potential failure of bars was found.In a further step,the collapse fragility curves and the collapse margin ratios conditioned on different design earthquake levels were evaluated for the transmission tower structure.The results show that the seismic damage of the owl transmission tower is mainly concentrated in the tower head position.The seismic collapse resistance of the owl transmission tower structure decreases with the increase of height.Moreover,the owl transmission tower has a certain risk of collapse under the effect of strong earthquakes.