A new profile modification method by minimizing the maximum contact pressure
Received:October 15, 2021  Revised:March 25, 2022
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KeyWord:profile modification of elastic interface  contact pressure  minimax model  linear programming model
孟朋 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院, 淄博
刘梦 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院, 淄博
吕娜 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院, 淄博
刚宪约 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院, 淄博
张帆 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院, 淄博
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      A new profile modification method is proposed to optimize the distribution of contact pressure existing in elastic components,such as bearings and gears.Based on elastic contact theory and the finite element method,a mathematical equation is developed to formulate the relationship between the contact pressure distribution and the modification displacements of each node.Then a Minimax problem is developed to minimize the maximum contact pressure of each contact node.The modification displacements can be accurately solved from this problem with only one-time structural analysis.To improve the computation efficiency and global convergence,this Minimax problem is further transformed into a linear programming problem.The general applicability and high efficiency of the new profile modification method is validated with two profile modification examples.