Buckling analysis of laminated macro-fiber piezoelectric cylindrical shells
Received:November 02, 2021  Revised:January 30, 2022
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KeyWord:MFC-d31  free vibration frequency  geometric complete nonlinearity  buckling analysis  fiber angle
张顺琦 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院, 上海
赵亚飞 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院, 上海
高英山 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院, 上海
陈敏 西交利物浦大学 智能工程学院, 苏州
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      Taking a laminated cylindrical shell bonded with Micro-Fiber Composite (MFC) as an example, the nonlinear vibration response under quasi-static buckling is investigated.Based on the Reissner-Mindlin hypothesis, the nonlinear vibration analysis model of MFC laminated shell structures with fiber angles is established through considering a full nonlinear phenomenon with large rotations.The nonlinear model is linearized by the total Lagrange equations, and the quasi-static equations are solved using the Riks-Wempner arc-length control iteration approach.The free vibration analysis is afterwards performed at each solution point.Through a comparison with results reported in the literature, the accuracy of the proposed model is verified.Then the buckling and free vibration of the MFC-d31 laminated cylindrical shell are studied, including the geometric impact (curvature, thickness, fiber orientation, applied voltage) on the structural frequency.The results show that the thickness, curvature and fiber reinforcement angle have significant effects on the critical load of the structure, that the increase of these parameters leads to a bigger critical load.The natural frequencies of shell structures with different fiber angles can be varied through intensifying the electric field.The larger the fiber angle, the greater effect of voltage on the natural frequencies.