SPH numerical simulation of turbulent and sandy multiphase flow around a cylinder
Received:September 27, 2022  Revised:February 22, 2023
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KeyWord:Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method  convective eddy  dry deposition  boundary wall turbulence
刘号 新疆大学 机械工程学院, 乌鲁木齐
金阿芳 新疆大学 机械工程学院, 乌鲁木齐
买买提明·艾尼 新疆大学 机械工程学院, 乌鲁木齐
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      Turbulence and multiphase flow are two of the most challenging topics in fluid mechanics, and the experimental and numerical simulation of turbulent multiphase flow is a formidable challenge.Furthermore, comprehensive in-situ observations of wind-sand flows characterized by multiphase flow, multiscale, and multi-physics coupling in grain dry deposition are still rare.Therefore, this study comprehensively considers turbulence, multiphase flow and multi-physics coupling, and adopts the forced interference technique of generating convective eddy currents with cylinders as interferences.In order to get rid of various problems caused by large deformation or distortion of the mesh in the finite element software, the combination of macro-interface tracking and micro-single-point tracking of the SPH method is used to preliminarily reveal the complex flow field around the cylinder in the sand-containing multiphase flow environment with single-phase convective eddy current as the wind field background.The combination of numerical simulation and field experiment is used to analyze the forming motion and characteristics of the convective vortex in the air single-phase flow on the boundary wall and the cylindrical wall of the computational domain, the simulation and characteristic analysis of the sand movement of the convective vortex around the cylinder in the two-phase flow, the sand rate of the convective vortex in the two-phase flow and the dry deposition efficiency of the boundary wall turbulence.