Numerical simulation of solid-liquid mixed transport flow in ultra-long pipelines by MPS-DEM method
Received:September 27, 2022  Revised:February 26, 2023
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KeyWord:MPS-DEM method  solid-liquid two-phase flow  ultra-long pipeline  periodic boundary condition
李仁祥 上海交通大学 船海计算水动力学研究中心CMHL船舶海洋与建筑工程学院, 上海
赵伟文 上海交通大学 船海计算水动力学研究中心CMHL船舶海洋与建筑工程学院, 上海
万德成 上海交通大学 船海计算水动力学研究中心CMHL船舶海洋与建筑工程学院, 上海
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      In recent years, the development of deep-sea minerals has gradually heated up, and the problem of solid-liquid mixed transportation involved has gradually entered people's field of vision.For example, the transportation of ore grain on the seabed is through horizontal pipelines, while the transportation of ore grain from the seabed to floating structures is through vertical pipelines, and yet the transportation of ore grain at different inclination angles transport through inclined pipelines.For these problems, the fluid and solid phases are always treated by different numerical methods due to the large physical differences between them.In this paper, the transportation of the solid-liquid two-phase flow through a pipelines is simulated using MPS-DEM (Moving Particle Semi-implicit method-Discrete Element Method) coupling method.The fluid is simulated by MPS method, and the ore grain is tracked by DEM method.A periodic boundary condition is applied at the inlet and the outlet of the pipe, so that the ore grain transportation through an ultra-long pipeline can be simulated by jointing multiple pipes together.Finally, the distribution of velocity and pressure of the solid-liquid flow in the pipeline is analyzed, and the results obtained may provide some reference significance for the study of solid-liquid flow transportation in ultra-long pipelines.