Buckling instability and transverse nonlinear vibration characteristics of axially moving beams under load
Received:September 15, 2021  Revised:December 15, 2021
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KeyWord:axial load  buckling configuration  homotopy analysis(HAM)  initial tension  nonlinear frequency
常学平 西南石油大学 机电工程学院, 成都
周杰 西南石油大学 机电工程学院, 成都
范谨铭 西南石油大学 机电工程学院, 成都
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      The axial movement of the beam will induce lateral vibration and may lead to buckling instability, which has a significant impact on the safety and reliability of the structure.This paper focuses on the buckling instability and nonlinear transverse vibration characteristics of the axially moving beams under load.Based on Hamilton variational principle, the dynamic equation of the axially moving beam under transverse load is established, and the post buckling configuration of the beam is obtained.Using truncated Galerkin method, the governing equation is rewritten into the form of Duffing equation.The closed form expression of nonlinear forced vibration of the axially moving beam under load is obtained with homotopy analysis method.The numerical results show that the post buckling configuration is obviously dependent on the axial velocity and initial stress.Through the explicit expression of nonlinear fundamental frequency obtained byhomotopy analysis method, it is obtained that initial axial force will affect the linear relationship of nonlinear frequency with respect to initial amplitude and axial velocity.In addition, the direction of shaft outward excitation will also change the natural frequency of the system.