Finite element model updating based on SGMD and LWOA-ELM
Received:September 23, 2021  Revised:February 11, 2022
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KeyWord:model updating  symplectic geometry mode decomposition  energy entropy increment method  extreme learning machine  whale optimization algorithm
赵宇 兰州交通大学 机电工程学院, 兰州 ;天水师范学院 电子信息与电气工程学院, 天水
彭珍瑞 兰州交通大学 机电工程学院, 兰州
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      In order to obtain the relationship between updating parameters and structural responses,and improve the efficiency and accuracy of model updating,finite element model updating (FEMU) method based on symplectic geometry mode decomposition (SGMD) and extreme learning machine (ELM) optimized by Lévy flight based whale optimization algorithm (LWOA) is proposed.Firstly,SGMD is applied to decompose acceleration frequency response function (AFRF) data.The reconstructed symplectic geometry components (SGCs) are selected by energy entropy increment method to make the SGC matrix.Then,to improve the prediction accuracy,LWOA is used to optimize the weightings and thresholds of ELM.LWOA-ELM model is established as the surrogate model for the mapping between updating parameters and the SGC matrix of experimental AFRF.Finally,with the minimum Frobenius norm of error between the SGC matrix from tests and those from LWOA-ELM model as the objective function,the updating parameters are obtained by LWOA.Case studies demonstrate that the proposed method is feasible and effective for FEMU.The updating method with SGC to indicate AFRF has good noise robustness.As the surrogate model,LWOA-ELM has high prediction accuracy and strong generalization ability.