Isogeometric boundary element analysis for 2D Laplace equations
Received:August 23, 2021  Revised:October 27, 2021
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KeyWord:isogeometric analysis  boundary element method  radial integration method  Laplace equation
韩少燕 西安交通大学城市学院 机械工程系, 西安
姜人伟 北京宇航系统工程研究所, 北京
高汝鑫 北京理工大学 先进结构技术研究院, 北京
王攀 北京理工大学 先进结构技术研究院, 北京
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      In this article, an isometric boundary element method (IGABEM) based on nonuniform rational B-splines was proposed for two-dimensional Laplace problems, and the radial integral method was used to deal with singular integrals.This method not only realizes the seamless fusion of geometry and solution domain, but also saves the pre-processing time.This method can easily subdivide the model and obtain higher accuracy with only a few degrees of freedom added.Numerical examples show that this method can effectively solve the two-dimensional Laplace equation and has a very good computational accuracy.