Theoretical model of limit equilibrium anti-sliding stability of stress vector on sliding planes based on projection direction extreme principle
Received:July 17, 2021  Revised:November 11, 2021
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KeyWord:slope  dam foundation  stability against sliding  sliding potential energy  safety degree
孙建生 太原理工大学 水利科学与工程学院, 太原
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      According to the concept of anti-sliding stability equilibrium that the tangential stress of the slip planes reaches the available limit value, the mechanical concept of the vector force limit equilibrium anti-sliding stability calculation theory based on the projection direction extreme value principle was expounded, the mechanical essence of dissipated force, virtual work of dissipated energy and extreme value condition equation were revealed.Based on the fact that there was a dissipated force in the vertical direction of the projection direction under the equilibrium state, the concept of the proximity coefficient of the limit equilibrium state of the complex slip planes and the best way to evaluate the anti-sliding stability with the safety degree factor were proposed.The existence of the potential energy extreme law and the coincidence degree of the extreme point proved the reasonable reliability of the theoretical model, by standard slope test questions and the calculation of deep anti-sliding stability of dam foundation.The establishment of finite element stress vector model and the safety degree factor Kλ are the important breakthrough in basic theory and the new theoretical research results in the development of limit equilibrium anti-slide stability calculation theory.