Approximate analytical formula and numerical evaluation of static liquid bridge force between two wet balls of different radii
Received:August 20, 2021  Revised:October 25, 2021
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KeyWord:liquid bridge  capillary force  particles of different radii  contact angle
李艳洁 北京林业大学 工学院, 北京
邱洋平 北京林业大学 工学院, 北京
徐泳 中国农业大学 理学院, 北京
黄文彬 中国农业大学 理学院, 北京
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      For the liquid bridge force between spherical wet particles of different radii, based on Young-Laplace formula, combined with toroidal approximation method and introducing harmonic radius, a simplified approximate analytical formula is derived under loose setting conditions.This formula is simple in form, and when the radii of the two balls are equal, it can be regressed to the Pitois liquid bridge force formula between balls of equal radii balls.It is found that the sensitivity of liquid bridge force to particle radius decreases with the increase of distance between the two particles.In addition, by comparing the approximate analytical formula with the experimental and theoretical results of others, it is found that the approximate analytical formula is in quite good agreement with the above experimental and numerical results, which shows that the approximate analytical formula can accurately calculate the liquid bridge force between spherical particles of different radii with small contact angles, so it is applicable for the numerical simulation of a wet particle system.