Resampling differential quadrature method for free vibration analysis of Euler beams with variable cross section
Received:June 11, 2021  Revised:September 28, 2021
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KeyWord:variable sections  free vibration  differential quadrature method  resampling
徐卫敏 浙江建设职业技术学院, 杭州 ;浙江建院建筑规划设计院, 杭州
何剡江 浙江建院建筑规划设计院, 杭州
吴熙 浙大城市学院, 杭州
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      In this paper, the free vibration of Euler beams with variable cross-sections is analyzed by virtue of the resampling differential quadrature method.The discrete scheme of the governing equations of beams of variable cross-sections is derived and the boundary conditions are imposed by the resampling matrix method, and the detailed algorithm for the free vibration problem is established.Several beams with different cross-sections under different boundary conditions are analyzed and compared with the results computed by other methods.Results indicate that the accuracy of the proposed method is high.Moreover, the proposed method has excellent convergence and outperforms other methods compared in this paper.By comparing with the traditional replacing row method, the resampling matrix method has better convergence performance.