An effective optimization method for the periodic strip-array decoupling structure based on 77 GHz millimeter wave radar receiving antenna
Received:August 06, 2021  Revised:September 25, 2021
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KeyWord:millimeter-wave radar antenna  strip-array decoupling structure  optimization method  mutual coupling suppression
汤易 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
黄现国 山东钢铁集团莱芜分公司, 莱芜
高仁璟 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连 ;大连理工大学宁波研究院, 宁波
刘书田 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
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      An antenna-array is one of the key hardware in the 77-GHz millimeter-wave radar, and the detection ability of the millimeter-wave radar is determined by the performances of the array.With the increase of frequency and the development trend of millimeter-wave radar miniaturization and integration, the coupling effect between the array elements has a serious impact on the radar antenna-array of the closely-space arrangement.In order to deal with this problem, this paper proposes an effective optimization method for the periodic strip-array decoupling structure based on 77-GHz millimeter wave radar receiving antenna.In this method, the strip thickness and array spacing of the periodic decoupling structure unit are optimized to suppress the coupling and improve the isolation between the elements on the basis of ensuring the normal operation of the array.The simulation results show that, compared with a non-decoupling structure, the proposed decoupling structure can effectively reduce the mutual coupling between the millimeter-wave radar radiating elements, especially the coupling is suppressed by 13.29 dB at 77.75 GHz.With/without the decoupling structure, the antenna-array operates normally in the desired frequency band of 77.5 GHz~78.5 GHz, and the maximum gains of the synthesized radiation patterns remain almost unchanged, thus ensuring the radiation performances of the millimeter-wave radar receiving antenna-array.Typical numerical example can well verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.