Bending of double modulus rectangular thin plates under arbitrary boundary conditions
Received:June 11, 2021  Revised:September 09, 2021
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KeyWord:dual-modulus plate  rectangular thin plate  bending  arbitrary boundary conditions
曹彩芹 西安建筑科技大学 理学院, 西安
宋永超 西安建筑科技大学 理学院, 西安
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      The dual-modulus plate is equivalent to a laminate composed of two isotropic small rectangular plates.It is assumed that the neutral surface of the laminate is the interface of the two small rectangular plates.According to the fact that the stress on the neutral plane is zero and the algebraic sum of the stress on the full thickness of the plate is zero,the position of the neutral plane of the double-modulus rectangular plate is derived.In this paper,the general solution of a double sine Fourier series with supplementary terms proposed by Yan Zongda is used.This general solution can be applied to rectangular thin plates with arbitrary boundary conditions and does not need to be superimposed or reconstructed.Simultaneous boundary conditions and governing equations are used to obtain the undetermined coefficients in the general solution and bring them into the general solution.Then,the analytical solution of the two-modulus rectangular thin plate under arbitrary boundary conditions can be obtained.Compared with the finite element results,the results obtained in this paper meet the engineering accuracy requirements.