Research on seismic damage assessment of circular steel tube members based on modified Park-Ang model
Received:July 09, 2021  Revised:November 23, 2021
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KeyWord:round steel pipe  earthquake damage model  damage assessment  model combination coefficient  performance level
刘翔 江西理工大学 土木与测绘工程学院, 赣州
朱南海 江西理工大学 土木与测绘工程学院, 赣州
陈禄军 江西理工大学 土木与测绘工程学院, 赣州
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      In order to reasonably evaluate the degree of seismic damage of thin-walled circular steel pipe members,a seismic damage model applicable to circular steel pipe members was established based on the Park-Ang seismic damage model by modifying the relevant parameters.Using the skeleton curve of the circular steel pipe component under the action of low-cycle repeated loads,the calculation method of each undetermined parameter in the damage model is given.On this basis,the model combination coefficient when the damage factor of the component failure point is 1.0 is determined through an inverse analysis and used.The curve fitting method provides the relationship between the model combination coefficient and the axial compression ratio,slenderness ratio and diameter-thickness ratio of the components,so as to establish the seismic damage assessment model of the components.The results show that the modified Park-Ang damage model can better evaluate the damage degree of round steel pipe members.When a member starts to fail,the damage factor converges to 1.0 and the dispersion is small.The damage degree of the member can be divided into basically intact,minor damage,moderate and severe damage,and complete damage, the corresponding damage factor threshold values are 0.02,0.41,and 1.00,respectively.