A method combining matrix perturbation and Newmark-β stepwise integration for load identification of uncertain structure
Received:June 05, 2021  Revised:July 18, 2021
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KeyWord:matrix perturbation  Newmark-β  uncertain structure  time domain  load identification
李晓旺 北京机械设备研究所, 北京
黄科 北京机械设备研究所, 北京
魏广威 北京机械设备研究所, 北京
杨翔飞 北京机械设备研究所, 北京
黄磊 北京机械设备研究所, 北京
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      In order to reconstruct the upper and lower bounds of dynamic excitation applied on the uncertain structure,a method combining matrix perturbation and Newmark-β stepwise integration is establish.Firstly,matrix perturbation theory is used to express dynamic load in a first-order Taylor polynomial expansion.Then Newmark-β stepwise integration algorithm is introduced to decouple differential equation of structural dynamics in time domain.A linear discrete equation combining structural response,structural characteristics and dynamic load is set up.As a result the midpoint and first-order perturbation of dynamic load are calculated.Numerical examples indicate that the proposed method is able to identify force bounds at high speed and accuracy.Meanwhile,this method possesses strong noise resistance.