Boundary ROM method for replacing upstream or downstream domains in aeroengine flow passage aerodynamic analysis
Received:December 26, 2020  Revised:September 17, 2021
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KeyWord:ROM  upstream-downstream interaction  aeroengine  aerodynamics  Volterra series
张珺 太原学院 数学系, 太原
李立州 中北大学 机电工程学院, 太原
王沐晨 中北大学 机电工程学院, 太原
路宽 中北大学 机电工程学院, 太原
原梅妮 中北大学 机电工程学院, 太原
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      To release the computational duties involving the upstream-downstream interaction in aeroengine flow passage simulations,a boundary ROM method is proposed.In the method,a ROM is identified for the upstream or downstream interface between the flow domain concerned and its upstream or downstream neighbor.The ROM is coupled with the concerned flow domain at the interface to include the upstream-downstream interaction effects.By these works,the multiple flow domains problem is converted into a single-domain problem while considering upstream-downstream interactions.One order Volterra series is used to build the ROM proposed.The results of an example show that the pressures and velocities calculated by the proposed method are the same as these fully calculated by a CFD method.The results also imply that the mesh used in the proposed method is less than the full CFD method and the proposed method is easer to converge and more efficient.