Research on structural damage identification method based on continuous bending stiffness of the beam and wavelet transform
Received:April 20, 2021  Revised:September 18, 2021
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KeyWord:edge damage identification  wavelet transform  beam structural continuous bending stiffness  numerical simulation  structural experiment
郭佳 长沙理工大学 土木工程学院, 长沙 ;湖南城市学院 土木工程学院, 益阳
管德清 长沙理工大学 土木工程学院, 长沙
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      To solve the problem that the structural edge damage is difficult to be identified based on the wavelet transform coefficient and the failure of the wavelet coefficient to accurately identify the damage location caused by the influence of the damage on the surroundings in the experiment,a structural damage identification method based on the continuous bending stiffness of the beam and the wavelet transform is proposed.The proposed method combines the beam's continuous bending stiffness with the edge of wavelet coefficients,which makes the beam structural edge damage identifiable,and the beam damage can be accurately located in the experiment without information of the undamaged vibration parameters.The correctness of the proposed method is proved by numerical simulation and the experiment of the beam.