Solving 3D elastic friction contact problem by boundary element method
Received:April 05, 2021  Revised:June 21, 2021
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KeyWord:contact problem  friction  boundary element method  slip direction prediction  incremental method
舒小敏 中国航发湖南动力机械研究所, 株洲
李坚 中国航发湖南动力机械研究所, 株洲
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      In three-dimensional frictional contact problems by boundary element method,one of the key points is how to determine the slip direction.That is,when relative slip occurs,how to determine the direction of slip.Currently,the commonly used method is that the slip direction is determine from the tangential surface force at the sticking point,and from the tangential relative displacement at the slipping point.However,this method is difficult to guarantee convergence.In response to this problem,this paper adopts the slip direction prediction technology to obtain the slip direction.That is,when relative slip occurs,the slip direction is taken as the slip direction obtained in the prediction technology.Since the frictional contact problem is related to historical loading,the incremental method is employed.The numerical results with different friction coefficients all show the effectiveness and convergence of the proposed algorithm and the effectiveness of the slip direction prediction technology.