Transient rheology and size effect in granular column collapses
Received:February 26, 2022  Revised:April 20, 2022
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KeyWord:granular materials  size effect  rheology  discrete element method  sphero-polyhedron
满腾 西湖大学 工学院 浙江省海岸带环境与资源研究重点实验室, 杭州
葛转 西湖大学 工学院 浙江省海岸带环境与资源研究重点实验室, 杭州
Herbert E.Huppert 剑桥大学 国王学院, 英国剑桥 CB2 1ST
Sergio Andres Galindo Torres 西湖大学 工学院 浙江省海岸带环境与资源研究重点实验室, 杭州
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      Granular materials are commonly encountered in natural and engineering systems.Systems,such as debris flows and landslides,can be regarded as involving granular materials.The investigation of such systems is helpful to better deal with related natural hazards.The study of granular column collapses not only is convenient to explore the transient rheology of granular assemblies,but also can be further extended to understand the dynamics and morphology of geo-materials.We utilize the sphero-polyhedral based discrete element method (DEM) to study granular column collapses to discover the influence of aspect ratio,friction,and relative sizes.The granular system is then divided into sub-volumes,so that we can further investigate the relationship between stress and strain rate inside each sub-volume to obtain the transient rheology of gravity-driven granular flows.This study is significant for understanding gravity-driven granular flows and the deposition morphology of granular assemblies.