Discrete element analysis of meso-damage evolution of shale-like materials under uniaxial compression
Received:February 25, 2022  Revised:April 13, 2022
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KeyWord:brittle material  DEM  crack tensor  microstructure  average coordinate
钟寄宸 西南交通大学 四川省应用力学与结构安全重点实验室, 力学与航空航天学院, 成都
王蕉 西南交通大学 四川省应用力学与结构安全重点实验室, 力学与航空航天学院, 成都
李翔宇 西南交通大学 四川省应用力学与结构安全重点实验室, 力学与航空航天学院, 成都 ;西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室应用力学研究所, 成都
楚锡华 武汉大学 工程力学系, 武汉
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      Understanding the anisotropic characteristics of the widespread shale-like brittle materials is of great significance to engineering safety.In this article,shale was considered as a bonded granular material and the damage evolution of transverse isotropic brittle shale was studied based on DEM.The failure modes of shale specimens with different bedding angles were reproduced and the compressive strength and elastic modulus of experimental and numerical simulations were compared.The effect of shale bedding angle on the microstructure under uniaxial compression conditions was systematically investigated by defining the crack density function.In addition,the association of coordination number variation with internal meso-damage was established based on average coordination number.The loading process can be divided into three stages according to the variation of coordination number and the crack number.The corresponding variation of coordination number and the number of cracks in different stages were analyzed.The study shows that the crack density of the shale increases with increasing bedding angle under the same conditions,while the average coordination number of the specimens rises and then decreases sharply during loading,and the stress-strain and crack number curves of the particle aggregates under uniaxial compression are in good agreement with the mean coordination number curve.This research reveals the damage process and the intrinsic mechanism of transverse isotropic brittle rocks,which will provide theoretical guidance for the engineering application of shale-like brittle materials.