Quasi-realistic non-spherical models in discrete element modeling of coarse soils
Received:February 18, 2022  Revised:April 15, 2022
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KeyWord:discrete element method  non-spherical particle  Poly-Superellipsoid  3D printing  X-ray computed tomography
张昌辉 华南理工大学 土木与交通学院, 广州 1
赵仕威 华南理工大学 土木与交通学院, 广州 1;香港科技大学 土木及环境工程学系, 香港
赵吉东 香港科技大学 土木及环境工程学系, 香港
李泽贤 华南理工大学 土木与交通学院, 广州 1
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      Particle shape has a significant effect on the physical and mechanical properties of coarse-grained soils.The discrete element method (DEM) has been widely used to study the microscopic and mesoscopic mechanisms of macroscopic physical and mechanical properties of coarse-grained soils.In order to consider the effect of particle shape,it is urgent to develop a computationally efficient discrete aspheric element model of true-trending particles.In this paper,based on X-ray CT scanning technology combined with digital image processing technology,two types of typical coarse-grained soils,smooth pebbles and angular gravels,are reconstructed in 3D,and two types of quasi-realistic particle DEM models,the Poly-Superellipsoid model and the Sphero-polyhedron model,are proposed to represent the realistic coarse particles.The 3D printing and uniaxial compression tests of the two types of particle samples are carried out,and the mesoscopic characteristics such as coordination number and local porosity distribution are analyzed.The Discrete element simulations of two types of samples are carried out based on the open source DEM program SudoDEM,and the simulation results are compared with physical experiments.The results show that the proposed two types of true particle models have good performances in discrete element modeling of coarse-grained soil particles.