Topology optimization of vibration reduction of in-plane rotating plate around a fixed hub based on quadratic performance index
Received:January 16, 2021  Revised:February 18, 2021
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KeyWord:residual vibration reduction  rotating plate  quadratic index  topology optimization  lyapunov second method
张君茹 大连理工大学 工程力学系, 大连
程耿东 大连理工大学 工程力学系, 大连
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      This paper studies topology optimization of a rotating plate around a fixed axis under given material volume to reduce vibration under impact load.A quadratic performance index in integral form is used as the objective function and the artificial densities of finite elements are used as design variables.Considering that the plate structure rotates at a constant speed in the plane and the assumption of small strain,the differential equations of motion are established by using multi-body dynamics theory and the finite element method.Lyapunov’s second method is applied to simplify the objective.Adjoint variable method for sensitivity analysis and mode superposition method are used to improve efficiency.Numerical results show the proposed topology optimization method can reduce the vibration of the rotating plate and the topology configuration is different from that of maximum frequency.Material distribution and the fundamental frequency of the topological configuration change with the increase of the rotational speed.Boundary conditions,location of impact or observation point and plate size have influences on the optimal solution.