Nonlinear finite element simulation of Flexible riser system in Deep Sea Mining
Received:November 27, 2020  Revised:March 05, 2021
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KeyWord:submarine flexible pipeline  geometrically nonlinear  nonconservative loads  nonlinear finite element analysis  tensor system
佟莹 南京航空航天大学 航空学院, 南京
夏健 南京航空航天大学 航空学院, 南京
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      The dynamic response of a flexible riser system in deep-sea mining involves dual nonlinear sources of geometric nonlinearity and non-conservative loads, due to the marine environmental load and the traction of the mining machine.Based on the finite deformation theory three-dimensional solid, a mathematical model of a flexible riser system is established.The governing equations of the system are derived under the total Lagrangian format.Effective treatment schemes are proposed for key issues such as the equivalent calculation of non-conservative loads, nonlinear tangent stiffness matrix and numerical solution of nonlinear equations.A numerical calculation program was developed according to the treatment scheme, and it was applied to the static and dynamic analysis of the flexible riser system.Numerical results show that the developed program has a superior capability of analysis and prediction for the nonlinear response of the flexible riser system, which verifies the practicability of the theory and model in this paper.