Boundary layer mesh generation method based on double-front advancing
Received:December 02, 2020  Revised:January 09, 2021
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KeyWord:boundary layer mesh  double-front advancing  automatic  multiblock structured mesh  hybrid mesh
刘田田 中物院高性能数值模拟软件中心, 北京 ;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
董庆利 中物院高性能数值模拟软件中心, 北京 ;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
杨洋 中物院高性能数值模拟软件中心, 北京 ;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
冷珏琳 中物院高性能数值模拟软件中心, 北京 ;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
郑澎 中物院高性能数值模拟软件中心, 北京 ;中国工程物理研究院计算机应用研究所, 绵阳
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      High Reynolds number viscous flow simulation has special requirements on the orthogonality of mesh in boundary layer.For complex geometries, it is very difficult to generate a boundary layer mesh automatically.In this paper, a double-front advancing method is proposed, and an automatic boundary layer mesh generation algorithm for complex geometric shapes is developed.In order to improve the quality of the generated meshes, local geometric features are treated with various techniques.Double-front advancing method is applicable to the generation of boundary layer meshes of multi-block structural meshes and hybrid meshes.The validity of the algorithm is verified by several model examples.