An improvement on the dynamic mesh method of sphere relaxation using double grids
Received:September 17, 2020  Revised:March 10, 2021
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KeyWord:double grids  dynamic mesh  mesh deformation  sphere relaxation  unstructured grids
廖佳文 北京大学 工学院, 北京
张力天 北京大学 工学院, 北京
周璇 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
李水乡 北京大学 工学院, 北京
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      The dynamic mesh method based on the sphere relaxation algorithm generates boundary meshes with higher quality and achieves larger deformation than the traditional spring method even for large boundary deformations.However, the time efficiency of this method still has room for improvement.In this work, we present a double-grid strategy which introduces a coarse mesh besides the computational mesh (fine mesh).The sphere relaxation algorithm is applied to deform the coarse mesh and transfer the boundary displacement to the entire region.Then, the double-grid mapping is carried out to map the displacements of the coarse mesh into the computational mesh.Numerical examples show that the improved method effectively increases the mesh deformation efficiency while the deformation ability and mesh quality remain.We also study the effects of the node number ratio (coarse mesh/fine mesh) on the mesh deformation. Numerical examples indicate that the optimal node number ratio is about 0.5 for the highest efficiency.