Biogeography-based seagull optimization for high-dimensional structural reliability analysis
Received:July 26, 2021  Revised:September 09, 2021
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KeyWord:structural reliability analysis  first-order reliability method  high-dimensional problems  seagull optimization algorithm  biogeography-based optimization
钟昌廷 大连理工大学 工程力学系 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
李刚 大连理工大学 工程力学系 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
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      In structural reliability analysis, first-order reliability method (FORM) is popular due to its efficiency and simplicity, but it may fail to converge or be premature when applied to high-dimensional nonlinear problems.This paper presents an improved FORM combined with the hybrid biogeography-based seagull optimization algorithm.To deal with prematurity of the seagull optimization algorithm during optimization process, the mutation and immigration on the biogeography-based optimization are introduced, and the hybrid biogeography-based seagull optimization algorithm is presented to find the optimal solution.In the proposed method, the updating strategies of position in exploration phase and exploitation phase are controlled by the biogeography-based optimization and seagull optimization algorithm, respectively.The convergence of the seagull optimization algorithm is enhanced by the hybrid strategy.The proposed algorithm is easy to implement, and it has global convergence without derivative information during optimization process.Finally, the proposed method is verified on two engineering structures (a frame and a dome) with high-dimensional random variables.