Influence of spatial variability of initial void ratio on the mechanical response and failure mode of sand
Received:August 17, 2020  Revised:September 24, 2020
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KeyWord:sand  spatial variability  random field  critical-state model  shear band
杨杰 香港理工大学 土木与环境工程系, 香港
陈佳莹 中交第三航务工程勘察设计院有限公司, 上海
尹振宇 香港理工大学 土木与环境工程系, 香港
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      Most of the existing studies use simple More-Coulomb model to analyse the influence of spatial variability of soil on the factor of safety or the failure probability of the slope/foundation.In fact,the critical state constitutive model,such as SIMSAND model,can more accurately describe the stress-strain relationship of soil.For this reason,this paper adopts the SIMSAND model to make a detailed analysis of the influence of the spatial variability of the initial void ratio.A simple plane strain biaxial test was simulated as a calculation example with four cases:(i) drained condition and loose sand,(ii) drained condition and dense sand,(iii) undrained condition and loose sand,and (iv) undrained condition and dense sand.In each case,the Monte Carlo method is used to generate the random filed of the initial void ratio,and a large number of calculations are performed to analyse the influence of the inhomogeneity of the initial void ratio on the development of the shear band,the vertical bearing capacity and the probability density distribution of the vertical bearing capacity.