Modeling and acoustic characteristics analysis of stepped cylindrical coupling sound field using Characteristic Orthogonal Ritz method
Received:October 14, 2020  Revised:November 16, 2020
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KeyWord:stepped cylinder  coupled sound field  Characteristic Orthogonal Ritz method  acoustic modeling  acoustic characteristics
钟锐 中南大学 高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室, 长沙
谢非 中南大学 高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室, 长沙
秦斌 中南大学 交通运输工程学院, 长沙
王青山 中南大学 高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室, 长沙
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      Aiming at the modeling problem of stepped cylindrical coupling acoustic field,an acoustic modeling method is proposed on the basis of characteristic orthogonal Ritz energy principle.In the method,two-dimensional characteristic orthogonal polynomials and circumferential Fourier series are used to characterize the sound pressure function of the sub segments of the stepped cylindrical coupled sound field.The acoustic continuity conditions between adjacent sub fields are considered from the energy point of view,and the acoustic characteristics of the coupled sound field are obtained by combining Ritz method.Based on the modeling method,the acoustic characteristics of the coupled sound field with different segments are analyzed.The results show that the modeling method can effectively improve the calculation efficiency while ensuring the calculation accuracy,and it is generally applicable to the cylindrical coupling acoustic field with arbitrary step segments.The natural frequencies of the cylindrical coupled sound field will generally increase with the increase of the outer diameter of the cavity,while the influence trend of the cavity depth is the opposite.Reducing the acoustic boundary impedance can suppress the acoustic response,which provides a design basis for noise control of this type of sound field.