Isogeometric analysis of 2D contact problems based on the Nitsche's method and quasi-Newton solver
Received:July 20, 2020  Revised:September 20, 2020
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KeyWord:isogeometric  Nitsche  contact  quasi-Newton  iteration modification
胡清元 江南大学 理学院, 无锡
沈莞蔷 江南大学 理学院, 无锡
蒋芳芳 江南大学 理学院, 无锡
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      In the isogeometric framework, the contact formulation is derived based on the Nitsche's method, the quasi-Newton iteration format with BFGS inverse updating is employed as the solver.We introduce an empirical formula for the penalty coefficient of the Nitsche's contact formulation, propose an initialization scheme for iteration initialization, and study the adaptive modification based on the secant stiffness matrix in order to overcome the iteration divergence due to contact surface change.The presented contact analysis method can exactly describe the contact boundary even for coarse meshes, and the linearization process and matrix inversion calculation are dropped.Numerical examples indicate the effectiveness of the contact formulation and the solver.