Study on the characteristics of vehicle random dynamic load coupled with pavement damage
Received:April 21, 2020  Revised:July 15, 2020
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KeyWord:asphalt pavement  random dynamic load  pavement damage  permanent deformation  program development
唐兰军 中电建冀交高速公路投资发展有限公司, 石家庄
李倩 河北大学 建筑工程学院, 保定
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      In order to accurately calculate the vehicle dynamic load on uneven pavement, a new vehicle load analysis method was proposed based on a traditional method by further considering the pavement damage.New pavement roughness could be identified by calculating the permanent pavement deformation at various points.Taking it to the vehicle-road system vibration differential equation, the vehicle dynamic load sequence can be obtained under different axle load times by Matlab programming.Then the random dynamic load distribution law and its change with axis load number were studied by the analysis method.The result shows that the distribution of the vehicle load along the wheel track has spatial repeatability.With the action of axle load, the dispersion degree of the dynamic load increases, which will cause the damage accumulation difference at each point on the pavement.The dynamic load coefficient increases nonlinearly with the action of axial load, and the lower the vehicle speed, the faster the dynamic load coefficient develops.This will damage the pavement structure.