Multi-scale topology optimization method for cyclic symmetric structures
Received:May 27, 2021  Revised:June 15, 2021
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KeyWord:topology optimization  cyclic symmetric structure  homogenization method  multi-scale  B-spline
张卫红 西北工业大学 航宇材料结构一体化设计与增材制造装备技术国际联合研究中心, 陕西省空天结构技术重点实验室, 西安
徐仕杰 西北工业大学 航宇材料结构一体化设计与增材制造装备技术国际联合研究中心, 陕西省空天结构技术重点实验室, 西安
朱继宏 西北工业大学 航宇材料结构一体化设计与增材制造装备技术国际联合研究中心, 陕西省空天结构技术重点实验室, 西安
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      Multiscale topology optimization of cyclic symmetry structures is studied in this paper. Basic characteristics are revealed for the homogenized properties of cyclic-symmetry unit cells. The concept of feature parameters is proposed correspondingly to characterize the unit cells. A three-parameter interpolation model is developed for the homogenized properties so that the homogenization process is greatly simplified. By means of feature-driven microstructure modelling and B-spline parameterization, the number of design variables is reduced and the non-smoothness due to discretization is overcome. Numerical examples are solved to show the effectiveness of the developed method. Results demonstrate the influences of equidistant arrangement and equal proportion arrangement of unit cells on the optimization results.