Multi-objective topology optimization of multi-subdomain pattern repetition
Received:May 14, 2021  Revised:June 07, 2021
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KeyWord:topology optimization  multi-subdomain pattern repetition  thermal conduction  thermal-mechanics integration  multiple objectives
王浩轩 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
吴开 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
杜建镔 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
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      A new topological optimization based on variable density method and pattern repetition is applied to design thermal conductive structures and thermal-mechanics integration structures. The whole domain is divided into periodically arranged cells, and the design variables are defined only on several cells and are then mapped to the others. To eliminate checkerboard and vague boundary, a continuation change method is adopted for density filtering. Different objectives are used to design thermal conductive structures while multi-objective optimization is applied to design thermal-mechanics integration structures. All of them have clear pattern repetition structures. The comparison of structures shows that multi-subdomain pattern repetition is not as good as global design but better than single domain pattern repetition in optimization effect. Besides, multi-subdomain pattern repetition structures are more comprehensive in performance and have obvious modular characteristics. Furthermore, both multi-subdomain and single domain pattern repetition structures have stronger defect resistance than global designs.